Luneta Tipo 8 -- H. Richter Vorrichtungsbau GmbH, Germany

Soporte hidrostatico con pelicula deslizante
Tipo 8-9 Variante 1

Soporte hidrostatico con pelicula deslizante, construido por H. Richter Vorrichtungsbau GmbH, Alemania
Diámetro: Dmax 550 mm - Dmin 220 mm
Altura al centro: 1250 mm
Peso máximo autorizado: 18000 kg
Pínola: 180 mm

Hydrostatic Steady Rests are designed to support heavy and delicate workpieces on a thin oil film produced by an hydraulic system. We are happy to design and produce babbit covered quill tops fulfilling especially your workholding requirements.
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